“The benefit of being label-free is that our new bottle is a circular packaging solution, meaning there is no waste and all plastic is kept in the economy,” says Shweta Harit, global brand vice president at Evian. The brand is aiming to become fully “circular,” with the goal that all of its bottles will be made from 100% recycled plastic, by 2025. Ultimately, it wants every bottle it makes to end up back in the recycling system in a closed loop.
Labels they are made from a different type of plastic than the PET used in bottles. At recycling facilities, bottles are separated from labels and from caps, which are made from a third type of plastic. While labels are technically recyclable, some facilities don’t have the infrastructure to handle it; others don’t bother. “The labels are disposed of or used to produce energy,” Harit says. “This is a challenge that we as a brand are constantly working on to resolve.”
Eliminating the label wasn’t a simple process. “It took almost two years for us to develop this innovation,” she says. The company had to ensure that the packaging met quality and safety standards as it found a new way to form bottles. The logo is engraved at the stage when the plastic is formed into the shape of a bottle inside a mold. Evian will distributed the label-free bottle in select hotels, restaurants, and hospitality venues, and the brand says it’s a sustainable solution for e-commerce, where there’s no need for barcode labeling.
The bottle is made from 100% recycled plastic, with the exception of the cap. Still, the company’s goal of being fully circular for every bottle it makes will be challenging: only around 10% of plastic packaging is currently recycled globally, and as demand for recycled plastic grows, the supply is limited. “We have been busy co-building effective, efficient, and inclusive systems for collection and recycling with local governments across our different markets,” Harit says.
Other brands have been trying to increase recycling rates for years, with little success. It’s a big problem for anyone trying to achieve a circular system; while variations on disposable bottles like the new design might help, the larger issue is whether those bottles actually make it into the recycling process at all. Brands are working on ways to tackle that issue, too, by addressing the source. Some are shifting to other materials, such as aluminum, that are recycled at higher rates than plastic. Others, including Evian, are taking early steps to explore new business models for refill systems that require reusable 45mm Bottle Caps, tackling the problem at a more fundamental level before the disposable bottle even exists.
A thermometer is an instrument that measures the temperature. Depending on what country you live in, temperature is measured either in a scale called Fahrenheit or Celsius (sometimes called Centigrade). There are thermometers for food, humans, and the weather. You can even make a thermometer yourself, it's simple.
Here's what you'll need:
- Water (plain old tap water will do just fine for this experiment.)
- Rubbing alcohol
- 1 clear plastic bottle with a narrow neck
- Food coloring in your choice of color
- See-through plastic drinking straw
- Modeling clay.
Pour equal parts of the water and alcohol and a couple of drops of food coloring into the bottle (the liquid should only fill up about a quarter of the bottle.) and give it a shake to mix. Drop the straw into the bottle (it should touch the bottom) and plug the opening with the clay. That's all there is to it. Now it's time to make sure your thermometer works. What happens when you place it in direct sunlight and the liquid becomes warmer? If your thermometer works properly, the colored liquid will rise up through the straw. In fact, if the liquid were to become extremely hot, the liquid would most likely come out the top of the straw.
Bring your thermometer outside with you, how does the colored water react inside the straw? Does it go up or down? Run it under warm water and then cold, the colored water will react accordingly. Of course this isn't an accurate measure of water temperature, and there's no way of telling how hot or cold huangyan baitong profile the water actually is, but this should give you some idea of how a thermometer works.
Making a thermometer is a great rainy day craft for kids. It's easy, quick and in most cases involves items found around the house. Why not make it your next project?
Have you had difficulty choosing the right shampoo or conditioner? Whenever you go into the drugstore or shopping center, there are literally hundreds of shampoos and conditioners on the market. Here are some important key points to remember before you make your purchase. Many people ask, is there really a difference between a $2-dollar bottle of shampoo and a $20 bottle from your salon?
Because of the wide variation available, you could say partly yes and partly no. Some cheaper shampoos contain foaming agents which can dry out 30 Mouth round head your hair, but are actually good for oily or limp hair. If you've been on the beach for a while your hair can become sun-damaged, or chlorine damaged so you should definitely consider a more expensive shampoo. The only way to be sure if inexpensive shampoos or conditioners work for you is to try them. If they don't or your hair still appears limp or damaged, definitely consider purchasing a salon product.
When you look at all of the ingredients on bottles, it can be confusing. The old saying goes, ?You get what you pay for?, and this applies when it comes to purchasing the right shampoo. Rather than paying attention to the names on the bottles, pay more attention to the ingredients. Ask yourself if the shampoo includes a mild cleanser like sodium laureth sulfate or an even stronger one like ammonium lauryl sulfate. Sometimes those cute bottles and pretty colors cover up an inferior product. Try and stay away from too much coloring or fragrance, as these ingredients are not cleansers. Remember to remain skeptical of product claims. Just because a product claims to be mild doesn't mean it is so.
If you have dandruff, one great remedy is as follows: rotate three over-the-counter dandruff shampoos, one to exfoliate, one to soothe, and the other to be used as an anti-inflammatory. This trio of treatments is important and most effective when mixed with your regular shampoo. If you decide to use only one of the three, your hair fungus could actually adapt to it and become immune to it.
In conclusion, if you have colored hair remember to purchase a shampoo specially designed for colored hair as these are made to be more gentle, and will contain ingredients to preserve your color.
Owning a boat has an oxymoronic quality to it. ?The simple life? can be pretty complex--I think of it as having a plane, a car, and a house compressed into a very small space. This specialized environment calls for specialized equipment and tactics...sometimes. In spite of what marine retailers would like us to think, there are a number of 'normal' (and inexpensive) items that we can put to very efficient use aboard our boats. For example:
For easy lighting that won't impair your night vision, stock red cellophane (the kind you get in rolls in a gift wrap store) and rubber bands. Cut squares to fit over flashlights and rubber band them in to place.
Forget buying purpose-made bag clips. Clothespins can do double duty by securing laundry to the life lines as well as keeping the bag of potato chips (or whatever) closed. And only use rubber covered clothespins--the metal hinges on the wooden ones rust out in about five seconds in a marine environment.
When the clothes dryer eats a sock, don't throw away its mate. Save those unmatched socks to use as jar and bottle covers aboard the boat. They provide good shock absorbency.
If you haven't completely switched over to a digital camera, you should have plastic film canisters hanging around. Reuse them for storage aboard the boat--small fittings, pill boxes, herbs/spices, anything small that needs a compact home.
Have several plastic spray bottles on board. Besides their use for cleaning solutions (e.g., a bleach/water combination for controlling mildew), they are great 'hand showers'. Douse yourself on hot days to encourage evaporative cooling. And when you're out on the ocean and go over the side for a bath, use a spray bottle to rinse yourself off with fresh water-- works great. Just make sure you keep your cleaning solution bottles separate from your shower bottles!
If you aren't already doing so, save your old toothbrushes for cleaning and maintenance on the boat. There are loads of tight places above and below decks where a small brush works great. One overlooked spot: Use a toothbrush to clean the inside of anchor chain links.
You can never have too many zip-locking bags. Keep several sizes plastic bottle packaging available, and use them for more than just food storage. Spare parts, clothes, office equipment, medicines, and lots of other stuff will pack more compactly when transferred to zip locking bags. And reuse the bags: invert, wash, and then hang to dry with those double-duty clothespins.
These are just a few examples of the use of 'non-marine' things that have a place aboard a boat.
If you are an athlete and there is a competition the next day, there are a lot of things to prepare. Whether it's your shoes or any of your safety gears, it is important that you are always concern about your safety before competing. Many would say that you should always look out for your team if your part of one, but before that an athlete should always look out for himself as well. There are a lot of things that they should remember before competing, say, better training and knowledge to keep them focused in their goals. At the same time keeping a healthy body will also help you become successful in your career. Dehydration is one of the many enemies of athletes, which is why it is important to bring with you a bottle of water. Water is what anybody needs, especially if they are into sports. It always keeps a person hydrated in whatever they do. However, there are different kinds of sports water bottle that fits the kind of sports that you play. An athlete cannot settle for just an ordinary bottle of water if they want to win.
There are different types of sports that have certain type of water bottles. A cyclist uses a type of bottle that perfectly fits the compartment of their bicycles. Since they are always on the go, and they are required to move so fast they need a water bottle that easily opens. They cannot use those that need both hands to open, since their hands are the ones that stir their ride. Cyclists want a bottle that is flexi-grip for them to just squeeze out the cap and water. Other athletes that need a special type of water bottle are the hikers. They are now into those canteen types of bottles because of its easy grip and lightweight. They can be very handy and does not need to take a lot of space inside their bags. For those athletes who play outside the court, they are not really concerned about the physical appearance of the bottle. Whether it's a screw cap, flexi-grip or what not they are just concerned about the condition of the water after a long stay under the sun. Athletes like this want sports water bottle that have insulation to keep their cool water from getting warm. If you are an underwater athlete in the other hand, you are mostly concerned about the grip of the bottle. Playing under water does not mean you do not get dehydrated, so it is important to always have a water bottle with you. Athletes who play underwater needs those non-slips, preferably rubber grip bottles. This will be easier for them to hold especially that they have wet hands.
It is important to always understand all the things that you need before becoming an athlete. Water bottles might seem irrelevant in becoming an athlete, but it really plays a big PET bottle cap role in keeping you healthy and functional throughout the game.
Online marketing can often take a convoluted trip through muddy waters these days. It seems for every good idea there are fifteen different nonessential add-ons that make the best-laid plans something that went to bed early and refuses to wake up.
I think the water bottle sitting on my desk right now probably has one of the best built in marketing programs I've seen in a while. What do I learn from marketing when I look at that bottle of water?
It's Clear. My marketing ideas should provide similar clarity. I need to ask myself if I really understand what I want to accomplish and if I really have a detailed plan for getting there. My message needs to be clear enough so potential customers can understand the concept and feel comfortable participating without confusion.
It's Refreshing. The execution of my marketing strategy needs to provide a cool revitalizing message that might bring a smile or allow a customer to feel good about participation. Is my marketing plan a simple rip off of something someone else is doing or have I taken the time and energy to find the unique elements to make it feel like a long cool drink on a hot day?
It's Flexible. If I drop my water bottle it will conform to the crash and bounce back into shape. This is how my marketing plan should be. I should have enough understanding about the dynamics of marketing that if I need to spring in a new direction the plan will allow me to do that effectively. If not it might resemble the drop of a mayonnaise jar from a rooftop onto hardened PET bottle caps suppliers cement.
Doesn't Leave a Nasty Aftertaste. We've all had tap water that left a lingering aftertaste of chlorine or other less identifiable, yet undesirable tastes. I often feel this way when I follow an online shop owner through multiple hoops only to discover they have simply worked overtime to get personal information without providing anything of real substance. Any marketing plan I develop has to be customer focused. If I make the program only about what I can get then I can expect that potential customers will leave running their proverbial tongue over the roof of their mouth with a look of distaste on their face.
It's Satisfying. One of the reasons people drink water is that it can quench their thirst better than almost anything else. When someone is incredibly thirsty they typically want water. Anything less is a poor substitution. You need to craft your marketing plan to provide a similar sense of satisfaction. If people are happy that a marketing plan didn't rip them off imagine what a progressive customer focused program can do both for your image - and sales.
I won't say that everything I learned about marketing I learned from a bottle of water, but the basics are there as a reminder every day. What I say. How I say it and the way I develop the tools of message sharing says a lot about me. Am I clear and does my message satisfy? This is the refreshing quest I engage in every day.
In this final edition of our packaging series we're going to look at some more marketing strategies of packaging where what you see on the outside is not necessarily what you get on the inside.
When you think about it, some of the most interesting packages are those that are actually part of the product itself.
Take deodorants.
There is one in particular that is so fancy looking you have to wonder if what's inside is not only going to keep you from stinking like a pig but also cure your baldness and pop a genie out of a bottle. I'm referring to Caix Extreme. The cap is kind of a dome shape that looks like something out of "The Day The Earth Stood Still", the lettering on the bottle itself is hard to describe but appears to be a combination of cartoon and south sea island font, and the colors are blue and pink on a brown bottle. Actually it looks more like something you'd pour in a glass.
Then there is the Caix For Girls. This is a pretty light blue color to the bottle with lettering that looks like something out of a Barbie Doll commercial. Plus there are some little flowers pasted on the bottle for good measure. This is definitely not something you would ever find a guy using. At least you wouldn't think so.
Of course you've also got your fancy deodorants like Tommy Hilfiger. Plain black bottle with plan 28mm Plastic Bottle Cap white lettering that runs from top to bottom instead of from left to right and tilted to the right. They probably think this kind of packaging lends an air of mystery to their product. Most likely what's inside isn't much different from your local Shop Rite store brand.
Then you've got your really exotic deodorants like Heno di Pravia. The yellow bottle has a shape not too different from a voluptuous female's. It's got a nice fancy lettering to it and a logo at the bottom that almost looks like a danger sign for radioactive waste. Thi s is one strange deodorant package.
And then you've got the deodorants that go to the absolute opposite end of the spectrum and as far away from commercial looking as possible. A perfect example of this is "The Self Health Resource Center" deodorant. The bottle is in the shape of a medicine prescription bottle and actually looks like a prescription drug with it's straight laced lettering and formal instructions for use. This stuff better not only get you smelling good but cure your allergies besides. The funny thing about this deodorant is that there's really no name to it. It just says Deodorant on the top of the label. The Health Resource Center is just who manufactures the deodorant. You'd at least think they'd give the thing a name.
Yes, deodorants have some very strange, exotic and downright puzzling packages that you never get to stop looking at because it's part of the product itself. This has to further reinforce what you're looking for the next time you run out to get your next supply. Packaging is an amazing psychological science and as long as we are able to understand what goes on inside the human brain there will always be packages to cater to that brain.
Now if only they'd make packages we could see through.
Oh wait! They already do.
Ok, here is what happened: On March 31, 2005, Pat Buchanan, conservative commentator and former presidential candidate, was giving a speech at Western Michigan University when some 24-year-old ding-dong, who apparently did not like what he was hearing, decided the appropriately mature and tolerant behavior would be to attack Mr. Buchanan with a bottle of salad dressing.
I do not know the motives of this nut, whether he was going crown Mr. Buchanan across the noggin, but he ended up "dousing" him with salad dressing instead while screaming, "Stop the bigotry."
Now this could, I suppose, be construed as the actions of a simple-minded, nut-case liberal who, when he hears rhetoric with which he cannot cope, has to resort to a violent act to settle issues in his liberal-demented mind. However, this was not an isolated incident.
Just two days prior to this event with Mr. Buchanan, another noted conservative, William Kristol, editor of the magazine, The Weekly Standard, and former chief of staff to Vice President Quayle, was attacked with a pie at a college campus in Indiana.
Do we see a trend here? This confuses me. However, a great deal in life confuses me.
Isn't the liberal side of the aisle supposed to be the group who condemns the conservative side of massive intolerance, bigotry, insufferable dogmatism, hate speech, and whatever else they can come up with when they have had a little too much to drink? Aren't the liberals (at least in their own minds) the only creatures on earth who champion the cause of tolerance in everyone from the gays to the ACLU defending the North American Man Boy Love Association's right (pro bono I might add) in a civil case where they claim it is free expression to teach adults how to rape children?
Do you remember Ward Churchill? He was the University of Colorado professor who wrote an essay about the victims of the 9/11 attack.
Of Churchill's essay, an Associated Press writer quotes,
"The World Trade Center victims were "little Eichmanns," a reference to Adolf Eichmann, who organized Nazi plans to exterminate Europe's Jews. Churchill also spoke of the "gallant sacrifices" of the "combat teams" that struck America." (College Cancels Professor's Appearance, Tuesday, February 1, 2005, Associated Press).
What, no salad dressing dousing or pie throwing?
Am I on the wrong track here? Am I cruising down the wrong way on a one-way street? This man, Ward Churchill, made the incomprehensibly hideous comparison of 9/11 victims with Nazis and no one wants to throw a pie, pour a little thousand island on him, not even a clicking of a tongue or a wagging of a finger?
Ok, here is the entire point of my confusion: is this how a liberal deals with free speech? Is a physical assault upon the person expressing a contrary view the behavior of a tolerant left? Is this what we should now expect in the behavior of the left?physical assault?
Today it is a bottle of salad dressing or a pie. What will they use next? water bottle cap To what depths can we expect this liberal-assault-a-conservative behavior to escalate?
Should I conclude that the left only tolerates the free speech they find appealing and in agreement with their particular worldview?
This is so confusing that my wife and I decided, two years ago, that going to hell in a hand basket is not what we wanted to do, so we moved to another country so that we could sit back, contemplate our confusion, and watch the rest of America enjoy the ride.
Expecting a baby? You must be in a state of bliss, yet confounded by multiple choices. One of the toughest decisions you will have to make: Bottle feeding or Breastfeeding? Despite all the information available on the pros and cons, the final decision is yours. What is right for someone else might not be right for you.
Here is some help to make your decision.
The strong case for breast feeding
Most pediatricians advocate breast milk as the perfect food for a baby and indeed it is all that she needs for the first six months. It is easy to digest. It contains unique disease fighting antibodies, an exclusive blend of nutrients, hormones and enzymes that promote growth and development.
Breast milk stays at the right temperature, is available at all times and is safe and sterile too. Breastfeeding offers protection against several allergies and diseases. There is more physical contact with your baby while you breastfeed.
Breastfeeding is beneficial for the mother as well. It helps shrink your uterus to its normal size, burns calories and helps you lose weight, and is known to reduce your risk of breast, uterus and ovarian cancer. Exclusive breastfeeding until six months is an effective method of contraception too.
And yes, breast milk is nature's first choice for your baby.
Breast feeding: The flip side
Breastfeeding requires a great deal of patience and perseverance not to mention a great deal of time. If you want to go back to work, breastfeeding might not be practical.
A breastfeeding mother has to avoid alcohol, smoking and limit caffeine consumption. She also has to watch what she eats until she is breastfeeding.
You cannot go on a diet while you are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding also limits the variety of clothes you can wear. This can be a little disappointing especially if you were waiting to shed those pregnancy pounds and get back into those bikinis and tube tops.
Nursing is not recommended for mothers suffering from certain medical conditions or on particular medications.
In favor of Bottle feeding
Bottle feeding or formula feeding can be a substitute for breastfeeding, especially for mothers who cannot breast feed due to any reason.
Commercially available infant formulas are manufactured under sterile conditions and attempt to reproduce human milk with complex ingredients.
Bottle feeding provides a lot of convenience and flexibility. Both partners (dad doesn't feel left out) and caregivers can feed baby, giving mom her much needed time outs.
Mothers don't have to worry about what they eat or drink if they are not breastfeeding their baby.
Bottle feeding Cons
Bottles and nipples need to be washed and sterilized meticulously during the initial few months since they can transmit germs to baby. The feeds have to be maintained at the right temperature. Preparing formula for a howling baby thrice in the middle of the night can be demanding.
Besides, formula-fed babies do not obtain the natural protection that breast milk bestows.
Bottle fed infants have more gas, more tooth decay and more digestion problems and run a greater risk of being obese later in life.
Exclusive formula feeding can be expensive too.
Will a combo work for me?
If you earnestly wish to breast feed but cannot commit enough time for it, there is no need feel guilty. Where there is a will there is a way.
You can take nursing breaks from work if feasible. Pumping breast milk and storing mineral water cap it for your baby is another option. This "breast in a bottle" method provides the best of both worlds.
Alternatively, you can opt for combination feeding, where you nurse your baby when you are with him and he is formula fed otherwise.
Whatever the method you opt for, bottle feeding or breastfeeding, feeding your baby is not just about providing nutrition. It is an opportunity for you and baby to nurture a physical and emotional bond. Let him enjoy your warm cuddle as you feed him and watch him bask in the contentment of a full tummy.
Everyone will I am sure appreciate well hollowed stone antique snuff bottles, once handled, as the lovely shapes and purity of the stones used just cannot fail to impress. One would imagine that the approach would have been to avoid any inclusions or flaws, and to form the bottle from only the best parts of the stone. This often was the case. But what I find even more fascinating, is the amazing way they deliberately and brilliantly, took advantage of natural flaws and inclusions often found present in these stones.
Most quartz and jade stones 28mm Plastic Bottle Caps Manufacturers have an outer layer of a different colour, particularly the pebbles from the riverbeds. They also have faults and flaws plus other coloured material, often deep in the stone. Sometimes these can be very thin skin-like inclusions, whilst in others large chunks are found.
When one considers that no one knows just what is inside any of these rocks until, as the cuts are made and the secrets of the stone are revealed, they discover how pure, or otherwise, the stone really is. It is with the stones that have inclusions or flaws that ?Picture Agate' snuff bottles are made. The best of these incredible bottles, once completed, manage to make the inclusion, that forms the image, look as if it has appeared in just the right place as if to order!
There are different types of work within this group of snuff bottles and the first ones are what we call ?Cameo' carvings. These take advantage of any outer skin or blob type of inclusion (of a different colour); they can be quite thick and are carved in relief. Another type is called ?Shadow Agates' and these take advantage of markings in the stone where, with the help of only a little carving, an image is created. Lastly, the most fascinating ones are called ?Silhouette Agates' but in this group no apparent carving is required. The image is achieved mainly by the angle and choice of shape, as well as the size and position of the bottle to be formed out of the rock so that the inclusion becomes an image. These bottles have to be seen to be believed.
What is really mind blowing to me is the fact that there are even some of these bottles with pictures on both sides!
Sadly, few of them were signed. We only know that there was a certain school of carvers known as the ?Suzhou School'. Their works are easily recognised by the style and quality of the carving, plus the fact that they make use of every mark in the stone to form the picture. They are amazing bottles when good, but there are many later works that tend to look too stiff and the carving lacks the more fluid artistic touch of the master carvers. Unfortunately, hardly any of these bottles are really well hollowed.
So to describe my first purchase, this was a ?Shadow Agate picture bottle' involving a little carving, and very well hollowed. It is a most appropriate subject and colour for a snuff bottle because the russet inclusions have been used to show ?Putai Ho-Shang'. He is always depicted as a very corpulent man with a bare chest and abdomen and he is the patron saint of tobacconists. In this bottle he appears surprised by a bat whilst sitting below some tobacco leaves. You can see how easily he appears, nicely placed within the bottle yet only his head and a suggestion of his hand have been carved. (See the photograph by using the link at the bottom of this article).
We now own a number of ?Picture Agates? and to illustrate the different types described, the photograph of the Duck with Lingzhi fungus in its beak is a good ?Silhouette' example. Incidentally, the fungus is a symbol for wishing long life. This bottle is very unusual as there is a recess carved originally to create the image that serves as a built in dish. (See the photograph by using the link at the bottom of this article).
Lastly, a superb bottle of fishes with pictures on both sides: the pair of fishes on one side are ?Cameo? carved and to the represent fidelity and happy conjugal rights in marriage. On the other side a fish and aquatic plants make use of every mark in the stone, all this on a well shaped bottle that is very well hollowed. All these bottles illustrated were made between 1750 and 1860. (See the photograph by using the link at the top of this article).
To effectively judge hard stone snuff bottles, the first consideration should be concerned with the overall artistic impression. You need to be satisfied that the work looks well composed and well positioned and that the images formed are flowing rather than stiff and awkward. The next stage is to have a closer look at the technical skills. When I look at a cameo type of carving I study the shape and finish of the background, close to the edge of the carving. On poorer bottles this can be indented, uneven and not so well polished as the rest. Really fine examples look as if the raised cameo part has somehow been glued onto a beautifully formed bottle. Engraved work at its best is very precise and provides the detail. When closely looking (under magnification) at a poor bottle these engraved parts can look very crude.